Community Water Supplies Partnerships program

Funding for broadacre farming communities to establish or improve non-potable water supplies
Last updated:

Our Community Water Supplies Partnerships program provides grants of up to $100,000 for community water supply improvements in dryland agricultural areas receiving fewer than 600 mm average annual rainfall.

The program aims to encourage the planning and establishment of reliable non-potable water supplies to meet emergency farmland and firefighting water needs and reduce scheme water use.

We work with local governments and rural communities to develop projects and guide them through the planning, assessment and implementation phases of the project.

The following broad project categories are eligible for funding under the program:

  • construction or enhancement of water supplies to meet emergency firefighting and farm needs
  • construction or enhancement of water supplies to improve townsite amenity and reduce scheme water use
  • refurbishment of strategic agricultural area water sources to meet emergency farmland water supply needs or improve townsite amenity.

Applications for funding

For information on the timing of funding rounds please contact our rural water planning team on 1800 780 300 or email